General Fund Donations

Although Chalice Abbey strives to be self-sustaining, we are always grateful to receive gifts from those who wish to further support our mission. Please use this page to make donations to the Chalice Abbey General Fund, which supports all aspects of the Abbey's mission as needed. When you click "Donate" below, you will be directed to a new PayPal window where you may enter your payment information. Once you have completed your payment through PayPal, please complete the form near the bottom of this page so that we may properly thank you for your gift.


Ways you can contribute to Chalice Abbey's mission:

Consider a monetary contribution to the Abbey's General Fund.
Volunteer some of your time each day, week or month.
Shop the Abbey's Fair Trade Emporium often.
Like Us on Facebook and share our posts on your own timeline.

Chalice Abbey Event Fund Donation Information

Please complete this brief form to tell us about your donation in order that we may properly thank you. Be sure to indicate whether you would like to receive confirmation of your gift via e-mail or U.S. Postal Service. Thank you!

Donate Information

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